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Stay Rooted Louisiana

Sharing resources to combat stress

Farming is one of the most stressful occupations in the United States. From financial pressures and volatile markets to unpredictable weather and extreme working conditions, the stressors of farm and ranch life can lead to health issues and strained relationships.

The Stay Rooted Louisiana program is one of the department’s newest initiatives and aims to connect agriculture communities with resources to combat stress. With the goals of raising mental health awareness, providing training, and building resources, Stay Rooted is focused on sharing tools and information to better equip Louisiana’s farming community to deal with farm succession, financial management, and disaster preparedness.

We believe we're stronger together. And we're here to help.

Training and resources

  • 988 Helpline

    The 988 helpline provides emergency emotional support to Louisiana residents. Connect to 988 specialists at local call centers who will listen, provide support, and connect you with local resources. The helpline is free, confidential, and available 24/7.
  • Farm Bureau State of Mind

    The American Farm Bureau Farm State of Mind campaign builds awareness to reduce stigma and provides access to information and resources that promote farmer and rancher mental health wellness.
  • Togetherall

    Togetherall is a non-crisis peer support and professional network offering FREE online mental health and wellbeing support, 24/7. Available to all farmers and their families across the US.

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