Weights and Measures
Ensure the accuracy of scales, meters, scanners, fuel pumps, and weights
Our Division of Weights and Measures protects buyers and sellers by inspecting scales, meters, scanners, and fuel pumps in any business location that sells products by weight or volume. With over 100,000 devices inspected each year, the Weights and Measures Division helps build confidence and trust in the Louisiana marketplace through the following programs and laboratory services:
Motor fuels
Scale, taxi meter, and flow meter inspections
Package inspections
Scanners and price verification inspections
Complaint portal for consumer use
Placed in Service Report
Service agencies looking to file LDAF Placed in Service Reports for scales, retail motor fuel, and any other commercial weighing and measuring devices can do so by filling out this Placed in Service Report Form .

LDAF JOB BOARD - Episode 1 / Agriculture Specialist - Weights & Measures Division
LDAF JOB BOARD - Episode #1
Consumer complaints
File complaints about inaccurate weighing or measuring practicesDevice Registration and Inspections
Get items registered, inspected, and tested for accuracyCalibration and metrology services
Get field and laboratory standards calibrated in our metrology labMotor fuels
Verify motor fuel quality through inspections, tests and investigationsWeighmaster and technician licensing
Get licensed to weigh commodities or install scales, meters, or other devicesLouisiana Metric Week
Celebrating the International System of Units
Contact info
Related links
Weights and measures videos (YouTube)